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Monday, July 4, 2011

Planet Cazmo History

Here is the planet cazmo history:
November 3rd 2007 – Planet Cazmo Beta is launched!
December 22nd- Ninja game is added so the ninja costume is now available.
December 29th – The Golf World game is added and Ninja skateboarding is updated , for the Ninja costume now you need 35,000 points instead of 20,000 but the game is much easier and faster . The commands for tricks are different ( A, Z ) and for one trick now you get 1,000 points . There is also more coins to collect through the game . Also a log off button is added to the game.
January 1st 2008 -
January 2nd – 10 Life of Bianca songs are added. Now there are 21 songs.
January 19th – Improved buddy system and mods symbols come.
February 1st - The seesaw comes to the neighborhood.
February 17th -X Boardin arrives to Planet Cazmo.
February 24th- PC is getting a lot more popular.
February 25th – Swings come to the Cazmo mall.
February 29th- Bartender and DJ appear at the Cazmo club.
March 7th –
March 11th – Irish flag and shamrock skateboards can now be bought.
March 29th – Mailboxes are added to the neighbourhood.
March 30th -
April 2nd -Four more servers are added but they haven’t been named yet!
April 3rd -The Bodyshop and Playground area are now open.Also The map can now be used.
April 9th – Player cards and chat box get an improved look also ghost are now at the graveyard.
April 17th -You can now sit on the stools in the club, slide down the new slide a play tic tac yo.
April 28th- A lot more music is added to the cazmo jukebox.
April 29th – Spaceport opens. You can now swim in the lake and the report to a moderator display is updated.
May 25th- The crocodiles speech is updated and the trade layout is updated.
Miscellaneous history:
This song was removed because it contained a bad word :
The old chat box:
This is how the server page first looked:
The old select a game displays looked like this:
Then this:
The club gets a massive improvement:
The old trade layout – See that box near the left bottom corner? you used to be able to trade money!

The secret room:
June 23rd - First ever Jeff day!
February 29,2008- Bartender and DJ appear at the Cazmo club.
March 11,2008 – Irish flag and shamrock skateboards can now be bought.
March 29,2008 – Mailboxes are added to the neighbourhood.
new-mailbox1.jpg new-mailbox2.jpgnew-mailbox3.jpg
August 2,2008 - Planet Cazmo update there homepage to v2.0
October 15, 2008 – Planet Cazmo First Ever Party,a HALLOWEEN PARTY!
October 31, 2008: Planet Cazmo first ever concert with Young Berg!

My pets

My pets

My pets

My pets

My pets

Funny Pic of The Week

Planet Cazmo Badges

There are 7 Cazmo Badges totall (not including moderater badge) I will list you them.
noobThis is the badge to the Cazmo Noob. Someone who has play for 2 weeks and under.
playaThis is the badge for the Cazmo Playa. Its for Cazmos that have played from 2-6weeks.
rocker1This is the badge for the Cazmo Rocker. Its for Cazmos that have played for at least 6weeks.
superstar1This is the Cazmo Superstar badge. This is for Cazmos that have played for at least a year.
cpcThis is the badge for Planetar. It is fot Cazmos that have completed the Jeff and Torgo quest. I will have guide to all quests soon.
moderatorThis is the Cazmo Cadet badge. It is for Cazmos that have completed the Cazmo Quiz.
ambassadorThis is for the Ambassador badge. It is for Cazmos that have a site that has 100-1000 hits. It must be creative.

Planet Cazmo Background

There are lots of cool backgrounds on Planet Cazmo Here are some of them.

→Alien Planet

→ Splash



→Alien City


→Say Ahhh



→Purple Beach




→Ring Worlds








